Manager’s Desk

“Dear Parents”

The pillars which support the edifice of a child’s education and development are teachers, parents, conducive environment at home and school. The child does not only learn at school but to a large extent imbibe education and behavior at home.

The parents play a vital role in the growth of their children and therefore each parent has to be aware of the activities of their ward off school hours. Today’s scientific world besides adding to luxurious and comfortable living has also introduced indirectly many distractions for human beings, especially for young impressionable minds.

The mobiles, TV, and Internet have much nuisance value for students. The parents must keep a watchful eye on providing these facilities to the children. Monitoring is essential, besides this, we must all ensure that the children are put into a healthy environment for social and moral growth. To achieve this parents and teachers will have to work in tandem. In view of the above, may I request, all the parents to remain in constant touch with the school, the class teachers and subject teachers?

They may come to the school on any day with prior appointments and meet the concerned staff to get their problems addressed and find solutions. Please do not wait for PTMs.

Together we parents and teachers can ensure the all-around development of the children in the right direction. Co-operation and not confrontation at all levels is a must. I also take this opportunity to inform you all that the latest infrastructure in the School Campus has been incorporated. It will provide ample opportunities to every child to explore, experiment, and exhibit excellence in all aspects of life.

May the academic year 2024-25prove to be a new milestone of achievement for your ward.

With best wishes.

Mukesh Kumar, Manager